
  • Two scientists uncover a meteorite impact site in the Arctic tundra, but it kills one scientist and infect…
  • 一名即将退休的中情局探员发现了一个家族秘密,并被迫重返一线,去完成最后一项任务。这部剧集在间谍、动作和幽默…
  • Two brothers plot to steal the body of Charlie Chaplin and ransom it for a fortune.
  • A cheerleader is imprisoned and made to jump through social media challenges for a seemingly motivated kid…
  •   地球被核战争摧毁之后,地球最后的人类派出多艘侦察飞船,在宇宙中寻找一个宜居行星,以拯救人类,而飞马座号…
  • A young couple travelling down the freeway seem to be unable to get off the road after being hunted by som…
  • 摩根·弗里曼、弗兰克·格里罗将主演动作新片[巴拿马](Panama,暂译)。本片取材自真实事件,故事背景设定在198…
  • 在2037年時出現一種會讓人不孕的病毒,人類面臨了存亡的危機。許多科學家想盡辦法尋求解決方法,此時,一對科學家…
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